Living in Thankfulness Every Moment

The tree takes up my carbon dioxide, while supplies oxygen to me in return. This is a reminder I receive every second. There is not even a second when I am without thankfulness. Every breath of mine is a reminder to be thankful. Every breath reminds that humans should be grateful to God. If the carbon dioxide inside me isn't taken up by the trees, the world won't be lievable. The world will be full of carbon dioxide and we won't be able to live here.

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Video Transcript

Why should you not thank every moment? Every moment when I breathe in, I inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. This incident occurs every second. For the system within my body, there is an external system in accordance with it. My carbon dioxide is taken up by the trees and in return the trees give me oxygen. I inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

It is an amazing exchange! The tree takes up my carbon dioxide, while supplies oxygen to me in return. This is a reminder I receive every second. There is not even a second when I am without thankfulness. Every breath of mine is a reminder to be thankful. Every breath reminds that humans should be grateful to God. If the carbon dioxide inside me isn't taken up by the trees, the world won't be lievable. The world will be full of carbon dioxide and we won't be able to live here.

If the trees don’t supply oxygen, we won't be able to roam around with oxygen cylinders forever. In both cases, we would die. Every second there is a reminder for a human being to be thankful to God. This is something to think about. If you think, you will live in gratitude every moment.

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